Celebrity NEWS

Former So Solid crew member MC Harvey and Girls Aloud singer Cheryl cole fight it out on twitter after Harvey told magazine that they had a secret relationship after her split from Footballer Ashley Cole.

The argument started yesterday afternoon, after Cheryl Cole heard about the story in NOW magazine,  Cheryl tweeted “Was this “relationship” happening in your head @harveyofficial?! Are you smoking something?’   Then tweeted again saying  “@harveyofficial I think I’ve met you once maybe twice at public events and With your wife!! #s**tjustgetsweirder”

within minutes Mc Harvey replied with a collection of tweets, ‘Do you actually want me to tweet some of the messages you emailed me @cherylcole pipe down and stop playing the saint in front of your fans’….. ‘I had your back @cherylcole until you sent that s**t. Disappointed in you if the public seen these emails you would end up with egg on your face……’And let’s get this straight @cherylcole I don’t need no hype of you! I’d rather go broke and work in Sainsbury’s than talk about your personal s**t.’

Harvey, claimed he had a secret relationship with Cheryl when she was an X Factor judge back in the winter of 2010, When eveyone was reporting that she was dating  DerekHough.   He tells the new issue of Now magazine: ‘There was a relationship and an attraction to each other’s aura…She’s a good girl. We’ve got a great respect for each other. ”We started confiding in each other. A lot of it was like: “We can’t trust anyone out there, so we’re just gonna trust each other.”

Cheryl’s  band mate Nicola Roberts came to her friends defence , Nicola tweeted: “Emails..?? I think someone’s been having you on mate..”  The singer then added: “#shedoesntdoemailsshedoesphonesex.”, she also asked if Harvey had ever heard of fake accounts !  Harvey concluded the Twitter argument by tweeting ‘Its funny how the hype has calmed down since I mentioned the emails. Where I come from we don’t snitch I’d rather die than sell my soul #simples’.

Regardless to who is telling the truth, the publicity won’t be doing Harvey any harm, as his new music is due to be released next month, he has a single due to be released in March, a collaboration with young new artist Lady Leshur.

London Police Commander Tony Eastaugh is to host lve webchat that you can be involved in, and the subject is the current stop and search policies.

On Wednesday, 1 February, (tomorrow) between 12.00 mid-day and 1 pm, Commander Tony Eastaugh will be hosting a webchat on the use of stop and search by the Metropolitan Police Service in London.

The met official website says that this presents a great opportunity for Londoners to ask him questions about how officers are using these powers and how the service is setting out to improve its approach announced by Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe.

To join the webchat during the above hours, people can simply click the link below, use the link to set up a reminder or alternatively they can pre-submit a question via twitter using the #stopandsearchchat hashtag


A leading Mens Therapist Dr. Phil Tyson has claimed that an increasing number of men are seeking help for eating disorders.

Dr. Tyson says that national statistics estimate that between 10 and 25 per cent of people experiencing eating disorders ae men, Dr. Tyson says that his practice, based in Manchester, is reflecting this statistic.
“We are now seeing 17 and 18-year-old males that are exhibiting the similar cultural pressures that young girls and women have always had: to be ‘beautiful’.”
Dr. Tyson says that men are presenting themselves with a wide range of unhealthy body issues including an addiction to exercise and poor diet, sometimes also coupled with the taking of steroids, in order to try to achieve ‘male beauty’.
Other symptoms can include anorexia and bulimia or bigorexia (also known as reverse anorexia) where a man is showing compulsive obsessive behaviour to continually build his muscles.
“It’s quite evident that there is a lack of professional resources for men suffering from eating disorders in the UK. The exception is the charitable organisation ‘Men Get Eating Disorders Too’ which provides some guidance and signposting and is working hard to raise awareness.
Dr Tyson continues, “However, many professional counsellors and psychotherapists have not been trained to recognise the symptoms and are failing to notice and treat men with eating disorders “Equally, men find it difficult to accept diagnosis and treatment although there’s not much support available particularly in the NHS.”
Dr. Tyson, 44, works as a counsellor and psychotherapist, based in Manchester, and specialises in working with men and couples, particularly in the areas of depression, anxiety disorders, premature ejaculation, sex addiction, bereavement, terminal illness, and health anxiety.
He also writes a blog about men’s well-being and mental health, as well as essays on counselling and related themes.
He is regularly quoted in national magazines and talks on radio about men’s and relationship issues.
Last year, he published his first book “An Ethnographic Study of a Counsellor Training Programme: Person Centred Theory in Action.” about his experiences of training to be a psychotherapist 10 years ago.
He is an Accredited Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
He has three degrees from the University of Manchester: a 1st class degree in Psychology, a Master of Philosophy in HIV Counselling and Support, and a Ph.D. in Counselling Theory and Counselling Practice.
Dr. Tyson is also a former lecturer in psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University.

If you or anyone you know have concerns relating to any of the issues in this article contact Men Get Eating Disorders Too’ , where there is always somebody to help.

Sky News are reporting that Armed Police have flood lit and cordoned off a road in Sutton st. James west of Kings Lynn, as a siege continues with a man who injured an officer in a firearm incident yesterday.

The lights were set up on a oad outside the Lincolnshire village. The standoff happened on Tuesday afternoon on the main road that goes straight through the village.  Local residents have been told not to leave their homes untill further notice, they are urging people with plans to travel to the area, to stay away untill the incident has been dealt with, and the area is completely safe again. It is still unclear how or why the incident happened,  but police have confirmed the officer involved has suffered facial injuries after a firearm was discharged “by a member of the public”. SKY NEWS have named the man as Barry Horspool, and claims he is a 60 yea old local resident, known well locally.


Singer Jessie J is undoubtedly one of the biggest stars to arise from uk soil,  and it look like nothing is going to stop her becoming a global sensation.

Jessie J exploded on to the music scene in November 2010 with her debut single Do It Like A Dude, which reached number 2 in the charts, and since then the hits have kept coming, Her second single ‘Price Tag’ hit the number one spot, and stayed in the uk charts for 51 weeks, it was a top ten hit in at least 20 countries around the world,  the tracks ‘Who Are You’Nobody’s Perfect’ and ‘Who’s Laughing Now’, kept Jessie J in the top ten throughout 2011 and her latest hit ‘Domino’ is currently at the number one spot.  ‘Domino was also released in the US earlier this yea, making her a household name across the globe. So how did the young shy girl from Chadwell Heath, London start her rise to the top?

Jessie J, real name Jessica Ellen Cornish,  the youngest of three sisters,  grew up in London attending Mayfield High school, she went on to enrol at Colin’s Performing Arts School, and at aged 11 she was cast in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s West End production of Whistle down the wind.  Jessie J has admitted that the academic side of school was never her strong point, and was always into writing songs, drawing and doing makeup.  At aged 16 she stated attending Brit School in London, along side singers Leona Lewis and Adele, and at 17 she was pat of a girl group named Soul Deep. at 18 years old Jessie J had a set back when she suffered a minor stroke, although she fully recovered from her health scare, Jessie says ” it makes you realise you can’t guarantee life everyday” continuing, she says “it made me appreciate life….i learned to express myself artistically”.

Jessie started her career as a song writer and has written songs for artists such as Chris Brown and Miley Cyrus, and was signed to a record label fo a long time before she released her first single, Her singing career has taken flight with full , and it doesn’t look like it will be slowing down any time soon. The Debut album from Jessie j titled ‘Who Ae You,was released in February 2011 and charted at number 2 in the UK Album Chart, that same month she won the BRIT Award, Critics Choice Award, and at the end of last year it was announced that Jessie is one of the coaches and mentors on the tv show TV Show The Voice, which she is currently filming. These are some pretty amazing achievements for a woman who isn’t quite twenty-four years old, she definately makes Britain poud.


BEST PICTURE The Artist-  War Horse – The Descendants – Moneyball – The Tree of Life – Midnight in Paris – The Help- Hugo – Extremely Loud – and Incredibly Close
BEST DIRECTOR Michel Hazanavicius,  The Artist Alexander Payne,  The Descendants Martin Scorsese,  Hugo Woody Allen,  Midnight in Paris Terrence Malick,  The Tree of Life
BEST ACTOR Demian Bichir, A Better Life George Clooney, The Descendants Jean Dujardin, The Artist Gary Oldman, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Brad Pitt, Moneyball
BEST ACTRESS Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs Viola Davis, The Help Rooney Mara, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Jonah Hill, Moneyball Kenneth Branagh, My Week With Marilyn Max von Sydow, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Nick Nolte, Warrior Christopher Plummer, Beginners
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Berenice Bejo, The Artist Jessica Chastain, The Help Melissa McCarthy, Bridesmaids Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs Octavia Spencer, The Help
BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY The Artist – Bridesmaids – Margin Call – Midnight in Paris  – A Separation
BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY The Descendants – Hugo – The Ides of  March -Moneyball – Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
BEST ANIMATED FEATURE A Cat in Paris – Chico & Rita – Kung Fu Panda 2 – Puss in Boots – Rango
BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM A Separation – Footnote – In Darkness – Bullhead – Monsieur Lahzar
BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE Pina – Hell and Back Again-  If A Tree Falls: The Story of the Earth Liberation Front – Paradise Lost 3 – Undefeated
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY The Artist-  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – Hugo – The Tree of Life – War Horse
BEST ORIGINAL SCORE The Adventures of Tintin-  The Artist – Hugo – Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy – War Horse
BEST ORIGINAL SONG “Man or Muppet” from The Muppets “Real in Rio” from Rio
BEST EDITING The Artist – The Descendants – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – Hugo – Moneyball
BEST ART DIRECTION The Artist – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 – Hugo – Midnight in Paris-  War Horse
BEST COSTUME DESIGN Anonymous-  The Artist-  Hugo-  Jane Eyre – W.E.
BEST MAKEUP Albert Nobbs-  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2-  The Iron Lady
BEST VISUAL EFFECTS Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 – Hugo-  Real Steel – Rise of the Planet of the Apes – Transformers: Dark of the Moon
BEST SOUND MIXING The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo-  Moneyball Hugo –  Transformers: Dark of the Moon – War Horse
BEST SOUND EDITING Drive-  The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – Hugo – Transformers: Dark of the Moon – War Horse
BEST ANIMATED SHORT Dimanche/Sunday – The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore-  La Luna-  A Morning Stroll- Wild Life
BEST LIVE ACTION SHORT Pentecost – Raju-  The Shore – Time Freak  Tuba Atlantic
BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement-  God Is the Bigger Elvis-  Incident in New Baghdad-  Saving Face – The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom

Scary spice Mel B is to appear on UK TV screens in ads for the Jenny Craig weight loss programme.

Mel B joined the JENNY CRAIG Programme in Australia – where the ad campaign originally launched – where she was working as a judge on X-Factor.  Now, Mel has already passed the halfway mark to her goal and there’s no stopping her!
“I am so excited I’ve passed my halfway.  My humps and bumps are still there but they’re a little bit smaller and I’m loving it“ Mel B said.
“Being halfway on my weight loss journey means I’m happier and healthier.  I still don’t get much sleep at night thanks to Madison, but with my new-found energy I’m able to be a better mother.

Mel B is fronting JENNY CRAIG’s latest campaign with huge success, appealing to mothers to invest in themselves.
“Like all mums, I sometimes feel a little guilty taking time out for myself.  But this is about my health.  I think mums are the centre of their universe, so it’s just something I just had to do,” says Mel B.
In true Mel B fashion, she also had a more personal reward for when she finally reached her goal weight.  “I cannot wait until I reach my goal weight – I can, not, WAIT!  I’m gonna get my ‘thong on’!!  Woot Woot!”
Mel B acknowledges JENNY CRAIG’s 30 years experience as leading weight management experts and providing a support system second-to-none with individual consultants and tailored eating plans.
“Let’s face it, it’s really hard to lose weight by yourself…I hate diets – they don’t work, they’re confusing. JENNY CRAIG is not a diet, it’s a healthy eating plan that makes losing weight easy. I get everything figured out for me and I get supported every single week by my own consultant. I get my breakfast, lunch, and dinner already set, already planned, and my snacks. Brilliant!’” said Mel B.