children’s communication charity I CAN has warned that communication with our children is suffering due to parents having to work longer hours to make ends meet in the current economic climate.
The recession has almost three-quarters of uk parents to take on extra work to make ends meet, according to a survey carried out by the charity, 55% of those parents questions admitted that they spent less quality time with their children due to work commitments. Most parents understand the importance of regular quality conversation with their children, bit 19% said they were so too tired after working extra hours to commit to it, and a massive 35% said they just didn’t have time for it.
Kate Freeman, I CAN Communication Advisor, said, “Parents want the best for their children and are well-informed about how important it is to chat with children in order to nurture their communication skills. They’re aware of the key milestones at the different ages and stages of development – but their best efforts are being hampered by the recession’s impact on their working hours”.
“We’re concerned at the knock-on effect on young children who need verbal interaction to build their own speaking and understanding skills, especially in the early years. Without these skills they may start school with a lower level of language than expected at their age. The good news is that making time for chat and rhyme will help get children ‘communication fit’ and ready for school”.
To reassure parents that there are quick and simple ways to help their child’s communication, I CAN have put together 10 tips on building talking and singing into a busy day for more information visit